
NYC-based Software Expert Witness - David Horowitz

Expert software engineer.

Expert witness.


Let your search for the right software expert witness end here.

NYC-based software expert witness David Horowitz brings over 30 years of software industry experience to bear on your software-related litigation.

Whether your matter is an Intellectual Property litigation or a contract dispute, Mr. Horowitz will provide expert testimony, analysis and consulting. His clients' projects range across many industries, including finance, pharmaceutical, healthcare, medical imaging, medical devices, manufacturing, embedded systems, consumer electronics, consumer apps and entertainment. Mr. Horowitz brings extensive experience in both the technical and legal arenas to every case and customizes his support to your individual needs and concerns.

Mr. Horowitz began programming and building computers in the early 1980's and has been continually engaged as a software engineer since graduating magna cum laude from the prestigious Moore School of Electrical Engineering — the birthplace of the computer industry — at the University of Pennsylvania in 1990. He is equally skilled in both the C language which gave birth to Unix and the internet itself and C#, Microsoft's most modern development.

Mr. Horowitz has been qualified as an expert in Federal District Court in response to a Daubert challenge. He has stood up under grueling examination by opposing counsel. His analysis and written reports enable you to construct and execute the most effective case strategies.

Get in touch to discuss your case or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to determine if Mr. Horowitz is the right software expert witness for you.


Serving your varied needs

Areas of Practice


Mr. Horowitz's copyright infringement cases have involved source code analysis using the Abstraction-Filtration-Comparison method. Analysis has involved ascertaining the origins of code, tracing roots of various modules either to original code, apparently copied code, sample and demo code available on the internet or open source code. Opinions have been expressed in written reports and rebuttal reports and in oral testimony.



Patent cases have involved providing analysis and resulting opinions on whether software projects have implemented certain patented processes. Identification of specific line numbers which appear to implement various claims and limitations have been provided in Mr. Horowitz's reports and testimony. Analysis of the patent claim history is performed as well as in-depth source code analysis and review.


Trade Secret Misappropriation

In cases involving claims of trade secret misappropriation, Mr. Horowitz provides analysis and opinions on whether the property alleged to have been misappropriated was indeed secret prior to the alleged misappropriation, whether it did indeed confer a competitive advantage on its owner, whether reasonable efforts were undertaken to maintain its secrecy prior to the alleged misappropriation, whether the alleged discloser did indeed have access to the secret property and whether the secret property was indeed improperly disclosed.

Contract Disputes

Contract disputes come in widely varied form. Mr. Horowitz has provided expert opinions on contract disputes involving contract breaches for non-payment or non-performance, violation of employment, termination and licensing agreements, etc.



Precision. Experience. Commitment.

Seasoned Professional

Mr. Horowitz began working as a freelance software engineer in 1991, one year after graduating magna cum laude from The University of Pennsylvania with a degree in computer science and computer engineering. In 2001, he and his business partner and wife Bonnie Laszlo Horowitz incorporated Soundside Inc. to continue providing best-in-class software development solutions to their clients from the company's base on the Long Island Sound.

Over the years the company has provided a wide range of solutions to clients in many industries utilizing numerous technologies. While specializing in Microsoft technologies such as ASP, VBA, VBScript, ASP.NET and C#, Mr. Horowitz also develops solutions in open source technologies such as Java, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Clients include Siemens Healthineers, Adobe Systems, OrthoNet, OpenText Corporation ad Avid Technology.

David's father Richard F. Horowitz was a top commercial litigator and co-founder of Heller, Horowitz & Feit, P.C., a Madison Avenue mainstay from 1979 until 2012. Richard's father was also an attorney and David's maternal grandfather was Hon. Alfred M. Ascione, Justice of the New York State Supreme Court. David's aunt and uncle are both justices and another aunt is an attorney. David managed all network services for Heller, Horowitz & Feit for many years, acquiring in-depth first-hand much knowledge about the operations of a law firm and legal process.

Mr. Horowitz now synergistically blends his extensive technical background with his family history in the legal profession to deliver to you the highest quality of expert witness services.  


Recent Accolades and Media

“David served as an expert witness in a complex copyright matter involving ownership, validity and infringement issues.  He was not only excellent in explaining the technical issues in his report and in his trial testimony, but he also took the time to really understand the legal context of where his opinions fit into the rest of the case.  His visual depictions of the products at issue were clear and understandable for the jury and the judge.  Although his thorough preparation limited the areas of surprise, David handled any unexpected issues on cross examination easily by being forthright and honest, and that was clearly appreciated by both the jury and the judge.  He was also very flexible when some difficult scheduling issues arose in the case.”





Let's talk

Contact me to discuss your case needs

Some billing information: Time is generally billed on an hourly basis and expenses at-cost. Detailed invoices are usually submitted monthly. Retainers are often required at the beginning of a project and occasionally at the beginning of each month. Accounts must be paid in full prior to the submission of a report or an appearance at deposition, hearing or trial.

Schedule an appointment

Use the form below to request a response from Mr. Horowitz to discuss your case, or contact him directly at (646) 209-5108 or david@softwareexpertwitness.nyc.